Thursday 20 November 2014

Equal Rights Equal Opportunities

We Have the Rights

       Most people take it for granted that women and men should be treated equally, receive the same quality of education and have equal opportunities. But, for now, what is happening? Some countries haven’t yet this type of equality. We are born because we have the right to live in this world. We are all equal and have the right to make free will. The call for equal is a persuasive one. All people are created in the image of God, and no person, and certainly not a whole category of people, should be subjected to unjust and unequal treatments.

  Now, they are promoting the gender equality in our country and it is a way of making the women’s rights strong because it is wrong to persuade women that they should first enter such opportunities that a man can do. Children, they have the rights too, because they are also human beings like us that can’t be abuse. They have the right to be loved and take good care.

       Human rights of every individual are very important to human living. A person should be given equal opportunities to prove that he/she is important as a human being. Give every person a respect so that they will enjoy their freedom as a human being.

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